Gralton Kate

Kate Gralton has been an English teacher for more than two decades, with a particular focus on young learners, and is currently active as a Cambridge Assessment English Speaking Examiner at all levels. She is an author of English language exam practice books and textbooks, and editor of academic research papers, particularly in the field of Statistics.

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Webinar on demand

Coaching your INVALSI and B2 First team – kicking goals in the classroom and online ID S.O.F.I.A.:63577

A cura di: Loescher e Helbling
Formatore: Gralton Kate
Gli obiettivi principali del corso sono: Fornire strumenti e utili spunti per preparare al meglio gli studenti ad affrontare la prova INVALSI di Inglese e l’esame di certificazione B2 First,...

Destinatari: Docenti di Inglese della Scuola secondaria di Secondo Grado – livello CEFR B1-B2

Webinar on demand

Tackling INVALSI and B2 First exams in the classroom and online ID S.O.F.I.A.:51727

A cura di: Loescher e Helbling
Formatore: Gralton Kate
Teaching students how to do the INVALSI and the B2 First exams or, generally speaking, competitive English exams, is more than just presenting them with tasks to do. Students need...

Destinatari: Docenti di Inglese della Scuola secondaria di Secondo Grado – livello CEFR B1-B2

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