A CURA DI: Loescher e Helbling
DESTINATARI: Docenti di Inglese della Scuola secondaria di Secondo Grado – livello CEFR B1-B2
Wunsch - Nagy Nora
1° webinar: A comprehensive approach to reading Shakespeare in the English class
In this webinar, we will guide you through the Helbling approach to reading Shakespeare with language learners. We will use activities based on the original texts of Othello and Twelfth Night and show you how to build language skills and cultural knowledge in a way that engages your students. We will also help you link Shakespeare with curricular and exam expectations throughout the school year.2° webinar: Exploring emotions through Shakespeare’s plays
The Bard’s plays provide countless memorable scenes to explore and discuss a wide range of emotions with teenagers. Recognizing emotions and using English to describe them, is an important and motivating skill for students. We will look at Othello and Twelfth Night and show you how students can experience a wide palette of feelings while learning about different aspects of identity. Plus we will present language development activities to show how you can use the plays as part of your English syllabus in class.Webinar 1 – Durata: 2 ore
Webinar 2 – Durata: 2 oreLINK DI ACCESSO
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- SUL PORTALE, NELL’AREA PERSONALE: riceverai l’attestato il giorno successivo alla fruizione dell’intera iniziativa.