A CURA DI: Loescher e Helbling
DESTINATARI: Docenti di Inglese della Scuola secondaria di Secondo Grado – livello CEFR B1-B2
Gralton Kate
Teaching students how to do the INVALSI and the B2 First exams or, generally speaking, competitive English exams, is more than just presenting them with tasks to do. Students need to be motivated and excited enough to focus before they start each task. Hence, teaching them how to approach each activity in a competitive English exam without fear or confusion is a vital component to their exam success. On one hand, it’s not easy teaching students how to tackle the Reading activities for competitive English language exams, as often lessons that focus on practising these tasks just confuse students (and teachers) even more. Big scary blocks of text and difficult-looking questions can in fact be daunting. On the other hand, it’s not easy teaching students how to tackle the Listening activities either. Listening to an audio recording and reading questions at the same time can be a hard skill to master. Moreover, when teaching at a distance, there is the addition of adapting tasks to a webinar environment, leaving many of us educators feeling lost and exasperated. These webinars will give you an insight into a number of practical teaching techniques, while at the same time looking at systematic (yet dynamic) approaches to teaching specific Reading and Listening tasks. Let’s remove some of the uncertainty, bring a competitive spirit into tackling the tasks, and give students the confidence they need for both the INVALSI and Cambridge B2 First exams.
I webinar saranno tenuti da Kate Isabella Gralton, con la moderazione di Jacopo D’Andria Ursoleo
Webinar 1 – Durata: 2 ore
Webinar 2 – Durata: 2 ore
Dopo l’iscrizione, nella tua Area Personale del portale Loescher per la Formazione, saranno disponibili i link per accedere ai webinar dell’iniziativa.
Potrai guardare e riguardare i webinar quando lo desideri, senza limiti di tempo e con la possibilità di riprendere dal punto in cui avevi interrotto.
– SU S.O.F.I.A. [ID S.O.F.I.A.: 51727]: riceverai l’attestato entro due settimane dalla fruizione dell’iniziativa.
– SUL PORTALE, NELL’AREA PERSONALE: riceverai l’attestato il giorno successivo alla fruizione dell’intera iniziativa.